riverBI bringing businesses closer

.. Explore our Services

Our developer-consultants are passionate about the impact
artificial intelligence can have on your company and are proud
to see their client-partners succeed.

.. Who we are

riverBI is a consultancy, focusing on integrating your business data
to the power of Salesforce Analytics and Einstein products. From analytics, image recognition, and custom AI tools, we ensure that
you have the worlds best tools, working in bringing your business closer.

Integrating data from all your business systems into a
single source of truth enables broad collaboration,
processing speed improvement, and intelligent decision
making. Not just at the top of your organization, but at all
levels in all your departments.

This single source of truth also enables you to better
support your community of suppliers, partners, and

.. quality mark

Custom Implementation Services

We listen and understand your business requirements. When you succeed, we all succeed.

  • ANALYTICS ( Tableau / CRM Analytics )

    Discover the intricate complexities of your data, analyze complex relationships, and stay up to date intelligence across complex relationshipsa dedicated team of world class specialist.


    Put the power of language processing into your business with the Einstein Language APIs. We offer managed services as well as project based custom solutions.


    With custom AI-enabled image recognition, you will discover and predict all kinds of insights about your customers and users in your applications. Train custom image recognition models in the cloud and put them to work for your business.


    Enable your businesses to take fast, accurate and real-time actions on their data. Discover critical trends and patterns across millions of rows of data in minutes, including patterns spanning interactions of inputs. Users will have an understanding of not just what happened, but why it happened and what to do next.


About Us

Gain full control over your
data to gain striking insights.

Come up with elegant solutions

Our professionals are adept at helping companies become data-driven and use this information to keep ahead of the competition. This allows you to understand what customers want, need and like. Knowing this allows you to proactively provide it before anyone else even knows it exists.

Acting on insights generated by data will make your business more efficient and profitable. You'll be able to identify patterns in customer behavior and use that information to provide better products and services. In turn, this will help you attract more customers, who are happier and stick around longer.

.. Learn more About Us


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